Police Officer, Good Samaritan, Guardian Angel

It is said that every day of life is an important day because you can never have it back. None the less, it is clear when you look ahead on the calendar, some days loom as more important than others. Friday May 11, 2018 was to be more important than others. I was scheduled to […]

Is The OIG and Michael Horowitz Our Best Hope?

Our constitutional republic is predicated upon the rule of law.  We stand to lose the republic and our freedoms when those who have been entrusted with power utilize that power, not for the public good, but rather for personal political gain.  As we learn from the Declaration of Independence,  “Governments are instituted among Men” to secure […]

Senate Moves to Erase Thomas Jefferson From History and now Joined by House

During the 2017 controversies over Confederate monuments, President Trump sent out a prescient tweet with the following question:  “…who’s next, Washington, Jefferson?” On December 21, 2017, the United States Senate, which operates under rules evolved from A Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States by Thomas Jefferson, took […]

The American Creed, Declaration of Independence

There are 55 critical words in the Declaration of Independence.

Javier Baez, Bubbles and Colin Kaepernick

It’s pretty clear that discovering bubbles is one of the joys of childhood.  When it comes to soap bubbles they will run after each bubble and try to catch or step on them.  At other moments they will simply watch in wonder as bubbles drift into the heavens or giggle as they are sprayed when […]

The Chickenshit Club: Why Americans Sense the Government has Forgotten Them

During the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008-2009 millions of Americans lost their homes, jobs and life savings. As regular Americans suffered, the federal government spent arguably in excess of a trillion taxpayer dollars propping up the financial industry. In 2016, Bernie Sanders campaign was fueled as he railed against the excesses of “Wall […]

Rosenstein Appointment of Special Prosecutor Bodes Well for America

It is not possible to find a single major media outlet that simply reports accurate facts without either subtle or overt effort to give a political story a “spin” that matches an editorial agenda whether it is liberal or conservative, pro-Trump or anti-Trump.  There are rare chances to get real, accurate, original sources since most […]

Thomas Jefferson and I Need Your Help!

Never thought I would write about the connections of Adolf Hitler, Benedict Arnold and Thomas Jefferson, but they have come together in my life. Here’s how the world’s most infamous murderer, America’s most famous traitor and the author of the Declaration of Independence have become connected, and how you can help to separate them. Like […]

Two Lawless Court Injunctions Against President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration

On March 15, 2017, two federal judges ordered the executive branch of our government to not enforce an order issued by President Trump. The orders by these judges were without legal basis, and these theoretical guardians of the law acted with utter disregard for the law. The Background  One week after taking office, on January […]

The Tyrannical Rule of the U.S. Supreme Court by Donald C. Brockett

What is meant by “tyranny”?  It was the tyranny of King George that provoked America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776.   It was “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” that would […]