Birthing the Declaration of Independence: Part Three, Virginia Comes First

The celebration of American Independence Day on the Fourth of July has come to include parades, barbecues and fireworks.  The celebrations would do well to include discussions of how the Declaration of Independence came to be. Part Three of the Birthing of the Declaration of Independence looks at Jefferson’s state of mind following a meeting […]

Birthing the Declaration of Independence: Part Two, The Format

The celebration of American Independence Day on the Fourth of July has come to include parades, barbecues and fireworks.  The celebrations would do well to include discussions of how the Declaration of Independence came to be. Part Two of the Birthing of the Declaration of Independence takes place over an ale and a meal in […]

Birthing the Declaration of Independence: Part One

This is an excerpt from the new book: Creating the Declaration of Independence, available on Amazon in print and Kindle editions. by David J. Shestokas Thomas Jefferson left the June 12, 1776 meeting of the Second Continental Congress with mixed emotions.   His walk from the Pennsylvania State House took him east on Chestnut Street toward the […]

The Resolution for American Independence: Part Three

When Americans celebrate publication of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, there is seldom reflection upon the many dramas preceding that fateful day. This is the third of a three part series focused on Richard Henry Lee, who placed the question of independence before the Continental Congress in June, 1776. Take a […]

The Resolution for American Independence: Part Two

When Americans celebrate publication of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, there is seldom reflection upon the many dramas preceding that fateful day. This is the second of a three part series focused on Richard Henry Lee, who placed the question of independence before the Continental Congress in June, 1776. Take a […]

The Resolution for American Independence: Part One

When Americans celebrate publication of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, there is seldom reflection upon the many dramas preceding that fateful day. This is the first of a three part series focused on Richard Henry Lee, who placed the question of independence before the Continental Congress in June, 1776. The story […]

Natural Law and the Legitimate Authority of the United States

Government needs a basis to exercise authority over people. Citizens must accept government authority.  A government lacking acceptance of the people over whom it exercises authority will not endure.  Such acceptance comes from fear, tradition or philosophy. Dictators obtain authority by instilling fear of disobedience in the populace. A theocracy ordained by God arises from […]